Mystery Blogger Award

I was nominated by Erin from Undercover Binge Reader for the Mystery Blogger Award. You can check out her post here. Thank you so much for thinking to nominate me! I love doing these tags.


The Mystery Blogger Award was created by Maggie @ okotoenigmasblog

“The Mystery Blogger Award is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion.”

The Rules:
1. Put the award logo on your blog.
2. List the rules.
3. Thank whoever nominated you and include a link to their blog.
4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link to their blog as well.
5. Tell your readers three things about yourself.
6. Nominate 10-20 people.
7. Notify your nominees.
8. Ask your nominees any five questions of your choice, specifying one weird/funny question.
9. Share a link to your best post(s).

My 3 facts

  1. I’m obsessed with Riverdale. It’s not the greatest show ever but it’s such a good guilty pleasure show. FP Jones is my fav ❤
  2. I pick Marvel over DC any day.
  3. I once wrote really horrible Elsa/Loki fan fiction in my journal. So. Cringeworthy.

Erin’s Questions

What book blew your mind as a kid?

The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. I fell so in love with this series as a kid. I was beyond obsessed. I particularly loved how The Magician’s Nephew explained everything. That really shook me.

When did you realize you were a bookworm?

When I was very young, in elementary school. Books were always something I loved. I didn’t like to play sports nor did I have any interest in joining Girl Scouts like the other kids in my grade. So books became my thing.

What book(s) have you read that you want to make sure to pass on to your children (or any children in your life)?

All of my American Girl Books. They teach great life lessons and are a fun way to learn history. I learned so much from those books.

What are your favorite types of bookish posts to read on book blogs?

I love to read more controversial posts, like unpopular bookish opinions. Those are so fun to read. I also enjoy tag posts.

If you were in a paranormal or fantasy world/novel would you rather be a vampire, werewolf, shifter, fae, magic user, other, regular old human, etc?

I would love to be a witch. I’ve been really interested in witches lately.

My Questions

  1. What is your unpopular bookish opinion?
  2. Besides books, what else are you passionate about?
  3. How do you organize your bookshelf?
  4. What book is your guilty pleasure?
  5. Would you rather spend the day with your favorite author or your favorite character?

I nominate…

Erica from Erica’s Bookshelves

Jeanine from Literary Sea

Shall from Shaz Reads

Danielle from The Blonde Likes Books

Priyanka from Priyanka Reads

My best posts…

I think my two best posts are my bookish social media post and my I’ve never read Harry Potter one.


Once again thank you so much for reading this!




The Versatile Blogger Award


I was nominated by Beth from The Books are Everywhere. Thank you so much for nominating me! You can check out her post by clicking here.

The rules

  • If you are nominated, you’ve been awarded the Versatile Blogger Award
  • Thank the person who gave you this award
  • Include a link to their blog
  • Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly
  • Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award
  • Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself

I actually did a similar tag to this one called the One Lovely Blog Award which asked me to give 7 facts about myself. So for this one I will give 7 brand new facts.

Here are my 7 facts

  1. My favorite sport is baseball. I’m a huge SF Giants fan although my favorite player, Tim Lincecum, is currently on the Texas Rangers
  2. I love classic rock. I grew up listening to it and some of my favorite classic rock bands are Aerosmith, Van Halen, Guns ‘N’ Roses, Def Leppard, and AC/DC.
  3. I don’t read e-books. I tried to, but I retain information better when it is a physical book.
  4. My favorite superhero is Squirrel Girl. She’s awesome. She’s unbeatable, hilarious, and such a good role model.
  5. I love reading coffee table books. I have acquired quite a collection of them. My favorite coffee table book topics are home design/interior design, fashion, Disney, and the Kennedys.
  6. My favorite ride at Disneyland is the Haunted Mansion. I’m obsessed with that ride and I often refer to it as my dream home.
  7. I love stationery. Nothing beats good old fashioned paper. It’s why I always took hand written notes at school. I love writing on paper. Plus, like with books, I have better retention taking notes on paper than I do typing them.


Once again, I never know who to nominate for these things. So if this sounds interesting to you, then go for it! Don’t forget to tag me so I can check it out!



The Liebster Award


I was nominated (a very long time ago) by Zoe from Home of Indie Authors. Thank you so much for nominating me. I had a ton of fun answering your questions and coming up with my own. Here is a link to her post.

 The rules:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog/post
  2. Answer the nominator’s 11 questions
  3. Come up with your own set of 11 questions to be answered by your nominees
  4. Nominate 11 bloggers of your choosing – don’t forget to tag them, provide a link to their blogs – let them know!!

Questions and Answers 

Q. What are your favorite genres to read?

A. I read anything that strikes my fancy, but I particularly enjoy YA, middle grade, romance, historical fiction, and contemporary.

Q. What’s the first book you ever recall reading?

A. I honestly cannot remember because I was very young.

Q. Do you read self-published authors? Why? Or why not?

A. Yes I do! I love reading them because they often offer something different from more mainstream authors.

Q. Who is the author you stalk online the most?

A. Jenny Han! Also Jacqueline Smith, my new favorite Indie author. Her books are the best!

Q. Favorite bookish boyfriend/girlfriend?

A. Q Mercer from the Monsters in the Dark series by Pepper Winters and John Ambrose McClaren from the To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before trilogy by Jenny Han

Q. What are your favorite things of being a book blogger?

A. Sharing my love of books and reading. Also meeting amazing people.

Q. If you could spend a day in a book, which one would it be?

A. The Chronicles of Narnia! Who wouldn’t want to go there? For Narnia! And for Aslan!

Q. Turn your favorite book into a movie! Who directs it? What actors get the main roles?

A. Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney. Not sure about who would direct it, but I would love to see Dove Cameron as Bobbi.

Q. Kiss, marry, kill. Go!

A. Kiss: Rhysand (from the ACOTAR series) Marry: John Ambrose McClaren (from TATBILB trilogy) Kill: The White Witch (from The Chronicles of Narnia)

Q. A huge book disappointment?

A. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. I didn’t necessarily hate it but it was so not what I was expecting. There was no plot and it wasn’t fangirl-y enough.

Q. A book recommendation for anyone reading this =)

A. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. I recommend this to literally everyone.

My Questions 

  1. What book do you think is the most overhyped?
  2. Be honest! Do you judge books by their covers?
  3. What’s your biggest bookish pet peeve?
  4. What’s your unpopular bookish opinion?
  5. How many unread books do you have?
  6. Who’s your favorite fictional bookworm?
  7. If someone offered you a million dollars to burn half of the books you own, would you do it?
  8. Who’s your favorite author that most people have never heard of?
  9. Who’s your bookish OTP?
  10. What’s your stance on dog-earing books?
  11. Best book-to-movie/book-to-tv-show adaptation?


I never know who to nominate for these things, so if you’re reading this and want to do it, consider yourself nominated!


One Lovely Blog Award

I was nominated by my very good friend Erica from Erica’s Bookshelves for the One Lovely Blog Award. Thank you so much for nominating me! I’ve known Erica for quite a while on Bookstagram. I’ve been following her on there pretty much the entire time I’ve been on it. Here is a link to her One Lovely Blog Award post.


Now onto the facts!

  1. My favorite Disney Princess is Mulan. Based on my blog name and profile pic, you would think my favorite would be Belle, but Mulan is my number 1. Mulan is such a bad ass and growing up she was the only female Asian representation I saw in movies. Belle is actually my third favorite princess (Rapunzel is number 2).
  2. My current celebrity crushes are Skeet Ulrich and Dove Cameron. This past summer I binge watched Riverdale fell in love with Skeet (aka FP Jones). I also watched Disney Descendants 2 and completely fell in love with Dove.
  3. My favorite singer is Lana Del Rey. I am obsessed with her. Her music speaks to me in such an intimate way. She’s an absolute genius.
  4. I like playing solitaire. I could literally play for hours and never get bored. My favorite game to play is Klondike.
  5. My favorite Beatle is Ringo. Not only does he have the coolest name, he was also the most drama-free.
  6. I suck at putting on make-up. I have like zero make up skills. Like I have no idea how to apply eyeshadow or cat-eye eyeliner.
  7. I’ve never traveled outside of the USA. The farthest I’ve been is Hawaii. But I really do want to travel other countries, particularly the Philippines and the UK.


I nominate:

