2024 Bookish Goals

Hi beauties! Long time, no post. Let’s just say 2023 has been my worst reading year in over 10 years. I’ve just felt so uninspired when it comes to reading and Bookstagram. I feel like I’m constantly in a reading and Bookstagram slump. So I’ve decided to be more firm this coming year. Here’s my plan:

  • Get back into Bookstagram and try to get into BookTok for reading inspiration/motivation. This past year I haven’t been that active on Bookstagram (sometimes only posting a few times a month) and it contributed to my lack of willingness to read. I’ve never been super into BookTok, but I’m going to give it a shot to see if it helps me be more motivated to read.
  • Make more specific reading goals to help me stay accountable. I usually just make a yearly reading goal, but this coming year I want to make smaller reading goals. For example, I’m going to try to read one classic per month. I used to love reading classics but haven’t read many lately. I did read 2 this year (Wuthering Heights and Winnie the Pooh) and want to continue to read more.
  • Have dedicated reading time at night. In the past, I used to reserve about an hour (or more) solely for reading. This helped keep me consistent with reading and I hardly ever fell into a slump.

I’m hoping this plan helps me in 2024!

What are your 2024 goals, bookish or otherwise? Let me know in the comments!


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Life update: Where has the time gone?

Hi beauties! It’s been well over a year since I last gave you any sort of update on my life so it’s about time I give you one. As you already know, 2020 has been a roller coaster of a year so I guess I should start with the beginning of the year. Enjoy my Cliff Notes version of my life this year:

January: So hopeful and full of promise for the year. Dated a paramedic for 2 and half weeks. Was sad when things ended (so much potential!). Read 1 book the whole month.

February: Started off so promising until my 49ers lost the Super Bowl (I still love you Jimmy G!). Went on a few dates. Ended up catching a cold during the last week (pretty sure I caught while on a date at Dave and Busters).

March: Started off so normal. Had a fabulous Spring Break and went on some wonderful dates with a guy. Buddy read The Kiss Quotient with the guy. Came back from Spring Break only to go back to school for one week. World went insane in that week. Packed up and headed back home. Started Zoom University School of Law —I mean online classes. Downloaded TikTok. Why does this month feel so long?

April: Me and Spring Break guy sadly fizzled out mainly due to COVID and quarantine. Started dating another guy. Developed an interest in astrology. Online school was uneventful. At some point my school eventually decided to go credit/no credit.

May: Took 5 finals. Strangely liked taking them at home (no pressure or anxiety from seeing other test takers). Tried to buddy read a book with the new guy I was dating. Had an uneventful and boring birthday (cheers to 25!). Broke up with said guy towards the end of the month for a multitude of reasons.

June: Hardly remember this month to be honest. Went on some Zoom dates. Learned that grad students from Stanford are not my type (Zoomed 3 of them and felt 0 connection each time). Met 2 air signs (a Libra and an Aquarius) who lived up to the flightly nature of their element (they coincidentally were both super cute guys from Oakland with plans to move to NYC). Went on a promising Zoom date at the end of the month.

July: Started dating a new guy (the one from the end of June). Went on an RV trip to Oregon and had a fun time at the WIldlife Safari (best animal experience ever).

August: School started. Once again online. Was not eager to start school again. Got annoyed with half my professors. Guy I was dating told me he’s moving back to Texas in 4-8 months. Relationship turned casual.

September: Took a nice day trip to SF with said guy. Slogged through school. Had both a midterm and a final due.

October: Only time will tell…

So that has been my life in a nutshell. I still cannot believe it is already October. Where has the time gone? March took forever but then the months just flew by after that.

What have you been up to? I would love to hear how you’ve been coping with all the curveballs of 2020. Let me know in the comments!


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Connect with me!

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Life update: Fall grades, spring semester, and summer jobs

Hi everyone! So it’s been a while since my last life update and my life has been pretty crazy to say the least.

Last Friday, we got back our fall grades and I am fairly happy with mine. They’re not super amazing, but given my circumstances (basically: my grandfather’s funeral was literally 2 days before my finals and I was a total mess because of it and law school grades are pretty much all based on your final exam), I think I did pretty well. It’s relief finally having them after waiting for so long.

I am entering week 3 of spring semester and so far it has been good. This is mainly because the undergrads don’t start school yet so campus is so quiet and parking is super easy to find. I’m also loving the fact that my writing class is now in the afternoons on Tuesdays (instead of in the mornings like last semester), which means that I get to sleep in!

Lastly, I’m currently applying to summer jobs. It is customary for law students to work during the summer to gain practical law experience. When I first started law school, I originally wanted to find a summer job in down here in SoCal, but lately, given my turbulent finals experience, I want to go back to the Bay Area for work. So far I have applied to 7 jobs, all of which are companies, not law firms. I really like the idea of working in-house so I am hoping to get an internship at a company.

So that has been my life in a nutshell. How have you been?


P.S. If anyone wants to help out a broke law student and buy me a coffee, I would appreciate it!

Life update: Finals season, writing assignments, and finding time to read

Hello! It’s been quite a while since my last life update. Law school is killer the first semester because there are like no breaks. The only breaks we get are Labor Day (1 day at the beginning of the semester) and Thanksgiving break (3 days towards the end of the semester). Aside from that there is nothing. It’s nonstop school.

The semester is winding down now. We only have a few classes left before finals start in December. It’s so crazy how fast this all went.

Right now everyone is working hard on our big writing project due before Thanksgiving.  It’s not hard, just a lot to write. And since it is legal writing, you have to cite a lot. Like sometimes after every sentence. Tedious I know.

Recently, I’ve been finding time to read which is amazing. I’m not getting through as many books as I used to and I still have a ton of unread books, but I’m slowly making progress.

So that’s it from me. But before I sign off I just want to say that if you enjoy my blog or my other social channels, please consider buying me a coffee on Ko-Fi. To do so just click here.

Thank you so much for reading. Let me know what you’re up to in the comments.



Law school update: Writing assignments, midterms, and why causation matters

Hey everyone! I’m back with another law school update. This week has been very stressful to say the least. I actually wrote a haiku about it:

My life is a mess

And I’m infinitely stressed.

Adulting is hard.

This actually started as a regular poem but I didn’t know how to continue it, so I counted the syllables and found that it unintentionally ended up being a haiku.

Basically, this week we had a big writing assignment due for Legal Writing and Research. I can’t say much about it but it was long and time was not on my side. Everyone was frantically trying to get it done. I know that even some people skipped out on CrimLaw to work on it.

I also have a midterm for Torts to do this weekend. It’s timed (2 hours), and I have to do it sometime over the weekend.

Speaking of midterms, in CivPro yesterday, our professor announced that we will have a midterm sometime in the next two weeks. However, it’s not really graded. We will take it on a Wednesday and then go over it in class and give it a grade. Then we will anonymously take that grade, give it to him, and he will put it on a curve so we can see how we did.

Lastly, in Criminal law we talked about causation and my professor asked us “Why does causation matter?” and guess what? He never answered the question which is pretty typical of that class. I’m still pondering it.

In case it wasn’t obvious, I did not have much time to read this week.

Once again thank you so much for reading!



Law school update: Cold calls, free food, and endless CivPro reading

Hey everyone! Today I am finishing up week 4 of law school and I’m doing ok. I’m surviving. Lol. This week has felt so long but TGIF! I don’t have any doctrinal classes today so that’s good.

This week I got cold called (finally) in two of my classes. In Criminal Law I got cold called on Monday but I got lucky that it was for question 3 since we had the option of doing either 3 or 6. I did 6 so I was let off the hook. I was so scared he was going to come back to me for that question (he didn’t!). Then on Wednesday I got cold called in Torts but I knew that was coming because she does panel style cold call where she makes her way through the rows so that you know when you’ll be up. Yesterday I was worried that I would get called on in CivPro, to complete the holy trinity of cold calling, but I didn’t.

Wednesday was the student organization fair and there was free food. Law school loves to give its students free food. There was pizza and ice cream. It was a nice way to relax before Criminal Law. It was a good thing too because Crim Law was a hot mess that evening.

In terms of reading, I’ve managed to read half of My Plain Jane this week but my main reading has been for CivPro. CivPro is a monster of a class when it comes to reading. Like 40-50 pages (which is like 4-5 cases) each class and it’s so dry and dense. CivPro is not riveting material. Personal jurisdiction and subject matter jurisdiction..how exciting. Luckily my professor for that class is pretty cool. One time he even made a Burger King poem full of puns (we had a Burger King related case that day).

So yeah that has been my law school week in a nutshell basically.

Thanks for reading!



Life update: I’m in law school!

Hi everyone! It’s been a while hasn’t it? So as you can tell by the title of this post, I’m in law school. These past two weeks has been crazy. I haven’t done much recreational reading but I’ve been doing a lot of reading for class.

Last week was orientation and I never socialized that hard before in my life. It was exhausting. It was a non stop flow of information. They kept throwing so much at us.

This week, school started for real and it has been so interesting. Law school is so different from undergrad but in ways I didn’t expect. Like for starters people get to class so early. Right now I’m sitting in CivPro (short for Civil Procedure) waiting for class to start. I got here around 45 minutes before class is supposed to start and all the good seats were already taken (today is the day we pick our seats because law school is all about that assigned seat life). No one in undergrad ever got to class this early. Another difference: the law building is so much quieter than any of the buildings in undergrad.

As for my classmates, people are so nice. None of that competitive spirit you see on TV and in movies.

Lastly, I’m just 4 days in and I can feel my brain changing. Like I now know what they mean when they say, “thinking like a lawyer.”

As always, thanks for reading and sticking with me as I start this new journey.


Yet another blogging/life update

Hey everyone! I’m back with another update for you all.

This week I posted 3 reviews which I am super happy about. But tomorrow I embark on part 2 of my move which means I probably won’t be posting anything here for at least a week. I do have two scheduled blog tour posts going up during that time so there will still be some activity on my blog.

After part 2 of my move I will be coming back to my old place (my parent’s house) for another 2 weeks because I will taking a short vacation at the beginning of August. And then the week after that I will be going to my new place and staying there permanently. So basically it’s going to be a lot of back and forth these next weeks. So thank you all for bearing with me!



Blogging/life update: I’m halfway done with moving!

Hello everyone!

As you can see, I haven’t posted anything since the end of June. That’s because I finished part 1 of my move. Part 1 consisted of moving the big items like furniture and half of my books. Part 2 will be the rest of my stuff like clothes, makeup, (and more books!). The move is going well but the toughest part by far has been deciding what books to bring with me. I unfortunately don’t have the space to bring all my books, so I’m only bringing about half with me. The rest will be staying here at my parents’ house. It is so tough deciding what books I want to take because I have no idea what books I might want to reference later on. The struggle is very real.


The mess that is my bookshelf back at home. Currently deciding which books to pack.

As you probably can guess this will be a relatively quiet month here on my blog. I should have a few reviews up this month but not as much as I typically would post. I literally didn’t have time to read at all last week. I am currently reading Sweet Black Waves Kristina Perez (which I  started reading before I moved) and Anna Undreaming by Thomas Welsh. I’m hoping to finish both these books and start two more books by the end of this week.

That’s it for now! I will keep you guys updated on my moving progress. And if you would like to help out a soon-to-be law school student, please consider buying me a coffee via this link.



The future of my blog and bookstagram

As some of you already know, I will be starting law school in August and consequently, will be moving in a few weeks. With this move, some things may be changing to my blog and bookstagram.

In regards to my blog, I may not be posting as much in the beginning of July to mid July. Moving is incredibly time consuming so I probably won’t have much time to pop in here to post or read other blogs.

As for my bookstagram, I will probably be changing my theme. I will still keep the three column look and the borders, but will be making some changes. I will still keep one column of quotes because those are easy to post and people love them. I was thinking for the other two columns, for one to be indoor pictures, and the other to be outdoor pictures. I’m moving to a very beautiful city and the school I will be attending is drop dead gorgeous, so outdoor pictures is something I want to incorporate. For the indoor pictures, it will probably be a mixture of what I currently post: flat-lays and shelfies.

As for actual reading time, I have no idea how much time I will have to read. I will be going to school again, so that cuts out a lot of reading time. But, I will be living by myself (I currently live at home with my parents), so that may give me more time to read. I will keep you all updated on how it goes once I’m settled in.

Also, if you would like to help out a soon to be broke law student, please consider buying me a coffee by clicking here.

Thanks for reading!




